Last night I hit the half way point of my current novel.
I've been working on this story only since January, when the idea first came to me. It was a direct result of a Christmas present that my husband bought me; the dictionary of superstition. It's fab.
Anyway, I've really stepped up the pace this last week - averaging 2,000 to 3,000 words a day - and I'm steaming ahead.
And I was delighted to discover as I hit the midpoint, that the story just got deeper, more understandable, and that things are going to get very messy, very soon for my main characters. On the other hand, they're both going to get some answers, now that they're asking the right questions.
I like this story. It's not quite like anything else I've written, but it's really flowing. I'm working with a fairly vague outline - just a sentence or two for each chapter, and there's only ten chapters - so I'm still discovering new things as I go. If I can keep the output up at the level I've been working at this week, I can get the whole 40k rough first draft finished by next Friday. Which would be great, as I'm taking the train up to Scotland on Friday and plan to use the six hours of peace and quiet to start write in edits on
Making the News. Chances are, though, that I'll be finishing this off once I get back. Which is fine - as long as its done by March 18th. Then I'll ignore it for a fortnight while I write something else!