Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Now we're talking!

Had a great weekend back up in Wales - ordered wedding dress, sorted out bridesmaid's dress, had a lovely lunch with Mum and Dad at Moules-a-go-go.

My Uncle's 60th birthday party was fantastic - great food, wine, singing and company. Went on until 3am, though, so I wasn't good for much on Sunday!

It is, however, impossible to write when I'm at Mum and Dad's. People keep coming to talk to me, wherever I am. And I don't have my 'Preifet' sign ('Private' in Welsh) to hang on the door to keep people out. That works a treat at home.

Still, have now broken 50,000 - just another 20K to go!

1 comment:

Bonnie Staring said...

Go Katy go! Only 20K left, you can do it, no problem. Shoot, I'd better get back to my WIP...