Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Close of the Year

We're heading into the dregs of 2006 now, and the Christmas rain is setting in here in the South East of England.

It's been a pretty huge year so far, what with the changing of jobs, doing up of house, oh, and the getting married. I finished the first drafts of two novels - one romantic/mystery fiction, one children's - and a few articles and bits here and there.

But I still have things to do before 2007, and the new progress bars will be going up very shortly:

  1. Write Christmas cards
  2. Buy and wrap Christmas presents
  3. Finish type in edit of Saving the Unicorns, write synopsis and query letter and send out to selected agents

Not much, then, really. How many days do I have left?


Bonnie Staring said...

Well done on the paper edits Katy! Can't wait to see what 2007 has in store for both of us.

KJ said...

Ooh it's going to be exciting...