Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Second Draft

Okay, now we're getting somewhere!

The polished first four chapters and synopsis (20k & 5k respectively) are now in the hands of my agent, and I can stop worrying about not getting it done before the baby comes!

For the interested, here's an expanded view of the book's premise, as sent over to Lizzy:

Saskia Ryan is returning home to Rosewood after two years away, determined to make amends for the mistakes that drove her to leave in the first place, and to prove that she’s changed. But home isn’t quite as she remembered…

For starters, there’s the new guy, Edward, who seems to have wormed his way into her family’s hearts and minds – even if Saskia can’t quite figure out what he’s doing there, other than looking attractive leaning against things. He’s supposed to be assisting her Grandfather, famous author Nathanial Drury, with his latest book. But Nathanial doesn’t seem to be writing anything.

There’s the fact that her big sister Ellie won’t even listen to Saskia’s apologies, and the rest of the family, including Edward, are conspiring to keep them apart.
Then there’s her other sister, ten year old Caroline, who has apparently found a ghost in the Rose Garden and a fairy wedding in the woods.

Add in the way that everyone is going crazy getting ready for her Grandparent’s Golden Wedding Anniversary celebration, and the place is in chaos. And that’s before Nathanial makes his big announcement at the party, to “add a little fire to the festivities” – he’s planning to publish his memoirs, every scandalous little detail.

And suddenly it becomes clear to Saskia that she’s not the only one with secrets she’d rather keep to herself – and not the only one who needs forgiveness.

So, now I'm at a bit of a loose end. Do I carry on editing through the second draft, knowing that Lizzy is bound to come back with changes that will negate some of the work I've done? Do I take time out from the book to think about what I'd like to write next? Do I get back to cleaning the kitchen with a toothbrush?

You know, this would be a lot easier if the baby would just come, now that I'm ready for it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Time for a fresh start over here, I felt, especially since I've been ignoring the poor place for the last however many months. (Don't count, it's too embarrassing.)

I have excuses, good ones, and also a caveat that posting is probably still going to be quite rare over the next while. See, I spent most of 2008 being pregnant (read: throwing up and sleeping) and am due to give birth next week, so I might have a few other things on my mind.

Which is not to say that I haven't been writing, or that I won't be writing.

As I'm sure you've noticed, the publishing world has been a little stingy with the new purchases over the last nine months or so. Which means that, having finally got Breaking the Spell into top notch condition, it went out to editors at just the right time to get lots of "I really like it, but..." responses. Apparently no one wants magical escapism in a recession - which I thought was odd, actually.

But, carry on regardless. I'm still deeming the whole thing a success, as it got me signed with a nice big London agency, and a wonderful agent who (at last count at least!) still wants to represent me. I met with Lizzy last year and we talked about what I should work on next, and since then I've been working on it. Slowly. In between the throwing up.

So: the New Book.

It's called Playing Make Believe and it's about returning home, becoming a better person, asking for forgiveness, family secrets, attics and parties and really great clothes. And there's a ghost.

Or, to put it more succinctly: Saskia Ryan returns home looking to atone for past mistakes, only to find herself making more...

I've actually written a full first draft of the book - all 90,000 words. It's first person - something Lizzy and I agreed I should try, but doesn't seem to come quite as naturally to me as third - and I found that I really needed to write the full thing out before I could step back and recognise all the things that were wrong with it.

Which is what I'm doing now. Over the last week or two, I've done a write in edit on the first 18 scenes / approx. 20,000 words, identifying the problems, and now I'm reworking those scenes and rewriting the synopsis, in the hope of getting it over to Lizzy before the baby comes. Despite theoretically having lots of time now I'm on maternity leave, I can't believe how tired I am, and how long it takes me to do anything. Also, I have to allow time for cleaning out cupboards with toothbrushes and other 'pregnancy crazies' as my brother calls it.

Still, I'm on schedule at least. And ready to reactivate the counters... keep an eye on the right hand side, people, and I'll let you know when I'm done. And, you know, about the baby...