Sunday, May 07, 2006

New Study

Another great Write On Word War today - bringing my wordcount up to just over 28k.

Obviously, major source of inspiration is my beautiful new study, as pictured. On the left you can see my pictures of New York and Narnia respectively, and above the desk my storyboard for my current story.

Also shown; my moneypot, some notebooks, photos of my grandparents and my parents, my files, my iPod, my plant pot (still waiting for the perfect plant) and my very expensive, but non-spine-damaging, desk chair.

It's all very exciting... but we need to put up more book shelves. Posted by Picasa


Nienke Hinton said...

Hey Katy! Glad the Word War worked for you!
Nice study too!

Bonnie Staring said...

Great study Katy! Does having a storyboard of you WIP work for you? Right now I just have a scribbled-on outline and some photos of Sawyer from Lost. :)

KJ said...

I do find that it helps - it's a useful place to stick everything that helps me visualise my story.

Also, it's kinda fun to put together...

Actually, just the act of collecting items and deciding on where to put them in relation to other items quite often crystalises areas of the story for me, and sharpens up the themes and so forth.

I guess it's just a useful medium for me to keep track of my thoughts and keep them easily accessible, and to think through the story as a whole in the first place.