Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Sorry, I've been awful about posting this week!

I got quite a lot done in Gothenburg, bringing me up to around 12,500. Sadly it's all longhand, so I have a lot of typing up in my future. Oh well, it's good for when the brainhas stopped functioning well enough for the new stuff.

Haven't managed anything much this week - work's been frantic and I just haven't felt like doing much of anything by the time I get home. The laundry is also suffering.

Still, I'll try and get a bit down tonight. We've got a friend coming to visit this weekend, staying in my temporary study, so I'm not sure how much I'll get done then either.

Oh, and I suddenly have to go to Frankfurt next week for a very intensive site visit. Imagine I'll spend the flights sleeping.

Then it's off to North Wales for Easter, then it's my birthday, then I'm in San Francisco for the following week.

I'm loathe to set any goals for the next few weeks, as I think I might be less miserable if I reconcile myself to just getting whatever and whenever I can.

Still, I'd like to be at 30K by the end of the month...

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