Friday, February 02, 2007

Writing On Again

I mentioned to Bonnie that I was reading through my Write-On novel from last year, with an eye to (finally) starting the revisions. She asked me if I still liked it.

It’s funny, but until I actually started the read through, it never occurred to me to wonder if I would. I assumed, if I thought about it at all, that since I would be walking through my own words, since I’d already know everything that was going to happen, that it would be more of an academic exercise than an enjoyable one. It was work, after all.

But I was surprised. There were scenes I don’t remember writing. Characters were much more themselves than I thought they would be. And after six months of not looking at it at all, I really enjoyed reading it.

It’s full of problems, of course. There’s lots of stuff still to fix, but I definitely feel that it’s worth fixing.

So I’m going right back to the beginning, reminding myself why these characters are where they are, what they want, how they’re going to get it, and who is trying to stop them and why.

It’s actually a lot of fun…

1 comment:

Bonnie Staring said...

That's great news! Enjoy the revision ride.