Monday, August 07, 2006

Snow Child Revision

2000 words on Saving the Unicorns this morning, so now a short break, then onto the Snow Child revision.

Snow Child is a YA novel I wrote a couple of years ago, and have never got around to revising. Partly, I think, because I don't believe I could sell it anywhere. Still, I need the practice at the process of revision, and who knows what I might end up with.

I do love the story, and the characters, and the whole tone of the piece. Hopefully the revision won't be too much of a chore.

I've already been through the manuscript, over the last couple of weeks, making extensive notes of what needs changing/rewriting/tightening or just editing a bit. The first sections need quite extensive rewriting, which is what's making it so hard to start.

Still, I'm working on it this afternoon. Definitely.

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