Friday, August 18, 2006

Very Nearly There

So, I just finished my week of unemployment. It's a weird time when I'm the slacker in the family.

Still, I have been using my time profitably. I've just finished the first draft of Saving the Unicorns, more or less. I want to go back and add in a couple of obvious scenes over the weekend, then I'll leave it alone for a little while before beginning a redraft. I'd like it to hit 30k when it's finished; I suspect it'll be around 25k by the end of Sunday, so we'll see what the read through throws up in a couple of weeks. My research tells me that anything between 20k and 40k is fine for books aimed at 8 to 12 year olds. Hopefully. It's only recently that they've started running a lot longer.

Monday, I start an ongoing temp job for the council, which will mostly involve photocopying, apparently. I've got a couple of interviews for permanent work coming up, which is good. Everything's slow at the moment because every company has vital people on holiday, I guess.
Anyway, at least we can pay the mortgage this month.

I need to get stuck back into the Snow Child rewrite. It's kind of fallen by the wayside while I got caught up with unicorns in South Wales. I also have a couple of non-fiction articles I need to work on.

But just for now, I think I'll take a break. Maybe have a cup of tea and a crumpet.
It is Friday, after all.

1 comment:

Bonnie Staring said...

Stop writing Katy - you're making us all look bad! Good luck with the photocopiers next week and the interviews. Remember, go for the job that allows you to work on your novels and articles when no one's looking. ;)