Monday, January 07, 2008

And back in the office

First proper day back at the day job - and a variety of things had exploded in my absence.

Still, managed to put it all aside to work on the book this evening - and finished rewriting the first big multipart scene that sets up the whole story. Phew.

This is about the seventh rewrite of the opening chapters to fit subsequent revisions of the outline - all involving major changes in plot and backstory. I'd actually forgotten that the opening scene of Chapter One never existed in the original pages I sent to Lizzy.

Still, now the plot's actually approved, hopefully this might be the last big reimagining of the action. I know that there will still be changes, and notes, but perhaps nothing quite so big!

Most importantly, this version, this outline, really feels like the story I want to tell. Now I just need to tell it.

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