Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Book Review - Angel With Attitude, by Michelle Rowen

I read Michelle Rowen’s first novel, Bitten and Smitten, during what would have otherwise been a very long, very boring train journey from Cambridge to Durham. Instead, the time flew by, and I missed all the beautiful countryside I could have been watching outside the windows, because I was completely entertained by the antics, character and comedy of the main character, Sarah.

Needless to say, I was looking forward to getting my hands on Michelle’s latest book, Angel with Attitude, released earlier this week. I’m glad to report that I wasn’t disappointed.

Valerie is a fallen angel – stuck in Niagara Falls with a head cold and a determination to get back where she belongs – Heaven.

Of course, it’s never that easy. But with the help of a nine year old prima donna psychic, a fry cook witch demon summoner, a love-rat who’s currently an actual rat, and her very own Tempter Demon, Val’s certainly going to give it a try.

Once she’s finished saving the world, anyway.

What I really enjoyed in this book was the humour with which the matters of life, death and one or two in between states were handled. The characters were wise-cracking, if not always wise, but also contained the sort of emotion that made them real to me.

I loved the corruption of clichĂ© and deviation from traditional stereotypes – for everything from angels and demons to faeries and McDonalds staff members. And I really appreciated that nothing was ever quite what it seemed; Valerie has to trust her heart and not her eyes to stay alive and figure out what’s going on.

I’d certainly recommend Angel with Attitude to anyone looking for a light hearted romp through the underworld, or anyone with a perfect lazy summer afternoon to while away in the pursuit of Heaven. Or truly gorgeous Tempter Demons.

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