Thursday, July 27, 2006


I was beginning to think that the end would never come, but I've finally reached it - before deadline, too! It's short, but I know it'll grow when I realise all the stuff I've skipped over in this draft.

So, all I need to do now is print the thing off, shove it in a folder for a while, until I can bear to look at it again to think about revising it, and tidy up the absolute chaos that has descended on my study, all in time to start something new on the 1st August.

But more details on that when I've cleared up, and done a small victory dance.

Yay me!


Bonnie Staring said...

Congratulations Katy! You rock! I am soooo jealous...I plan on joining you in the winner's circle shortly.

How goes the new job hunt?

KJ said...

Thank you! I'm so hilariously pleased with myself!

Not much on the job front - the trick appears to be finding something close to home - I really don't want to have to travel into London everyday, not lease because it will cost me around £400 a month.

Still, I'm looking at taking temp work for a while, once I officially finish at my current job. It'll keep things fairly low key until after the wedding, and often it's the best way into a company anyway, I've heard.